Friday, February 5, 2010

Lick #3

Every night, I sit in my office and relax. I hook all of my equipment up, which is a very easy process and play, rather than focus on things like new sounds, tuning, where my guitar strap is, or anything that seems wasteful. Because in the end its about the licks. If you can't play the guitar, what band is going to want to touch you. Of coarse with a band you need to be in tune but by yourself if your slightly flat, who cares. If your tuning to a record, that's different. You have to be in tune, and by the way most vanhalen, dokken records are tuned to e flat. The most playing time you can get the better, even if you have to wear headphones to keep from waking the neighbor or the dog. Just play. Its almost a spiritual approach to the guitar. Spend more time playing and less time fooling around. I've met a ton of guitarists over the years, and they would say "I have this effect, this guitar with 7 frets, a handle and the newest floyd rose". So I would ask them to play. And then the excuses would fly. Its hard enough to get playing time, so play, don't make excuses. Even if you have the newest Jem 777. Cuz there not going to stop making them.

Blues Lick #3 Todays lick. B=bend On the 5 and 6 fret note on the 3d sting hammer on

1 8 (B) ------------------ 5 ------- 5
2 ------------------------- 8 --5 ---- ------
3 -------------------------- 5 6 ------------
4 -------------------------------------------
6 -------------------------------------------

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